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Male Shopping Habits: Does This Sound Like You?

Daryl Charman

Updated: Jul 14, 2021

From buying online to the biggest shopping experience frustrations, Barclaycard’s research into male shopping habits may just surprise you.

Contrary to belief, Barclaycard’s research reveals that men are the biggest spenders when it comes to fashion and beauty. This statement might come as a bit of a revelation to those who have always thought that women top the bill.

In fact, retailers say that they’ve seen a 69% increase in male online shopping and 59% in-store respectively between 2011 and 2016.

This hunger for fashion in the UK male population has lead to more than a quarter (26%) now catering to a largely or entirely male market, compared to just 17% of female-only shops. In recent years we've seen a boom in the high street for menswear alternatives in what was largely perceived as female shops such as Topshop and Newlook, both of which opening a menswear division. Even online giants Boohoo, now offer a menswear range to accompany their low-cost womenswear site.

This having been said men tend to shop very differently to women and just because the options are there, it does not mean that's where he will spend.

Men tend to value quality and style over cost, wanting a product to deliver on longevity as well as uniqueness.

Good news gentlemen

How often do you return an item of clothing? Well, according to the same research, only 26% of men are likely to return an item of clothing in comparison to a staggering 74% of women.

Taking this into account, plus the fact that men are statistically bigger spenders, retailers are seeing the opportunity to make more of a profit in the male market.

As a result, don’t be surprised to see more shops that were originally designed to cater to women only introducing men’s sections as well.

Despite this factor, consumers, in general, are starting to favour doing their shopping online – especially around the holidays. So why is this? And are shopping habits changing for the better?

What are your biggest shopping habit pet hates?

There are a number of reasons why shoppers, men, in particular, are choosing to shop in the comfort of their own home.

This could be explained by analysing more of Barclaycard’s research. How many of the following shopping experience frustrations cited by men do you also find annoying?

  • Retailers not having your size in stock – 42%

  • Crowded stores – 36%

  • Queuing at the till – 35%

Generally speaking, retailers usually have more stock available online, while there’s certainly no crowded stores and lengthy queues to think about.

It’s no wonder why more and more men are changing their previous shopping habits and shopping online, as all of these pet hates can be easily avoided!

Research suggests that men want to complete a transaction within five minutes. That includes finding the garment or pair of shoes, potentially trying it on (if in-store) and completing the transaction. But what are the chances of doing this in-store on a busy Saturday or Sunday?

Why men can shop online with confidence

If you’re not one of the 48% of British men who prefers to shop online for clothes and shoes, what’s stopping you?

As a part of making the shopping experience more hassle-free, you’ll see more retailers (including us), advertising products online via a website and through social media advertising.

To be precise, more than a third of retailers already offer or are considering allowing male customers to purchase items directly from social media accounts.

Facebook is classed as the most useful platform to do this according to 65% of retailers, while Instagram trails with 36% of them preferring this option.

One in seven of retailers are also using bloggers and influencers to help increase their online brand presence. However, this percentage is bound to increase in the wake of the ‘Love Island generation’ and their product advertisement power.

Plus with more regulations safeguarding consumers buying online, there’s no reason why this new world of e-commerce shopping can’t continue to thrive and give you the confidence to buy online.

Why you can trust us...

If you are nervous about purchase your shoes online, check out our trusted reviews page off the main menu from just a fraction of our loyal clients or come and visit us at one of our many yearly events (subscribe to find out where we are next).

We have an honest and open policy and should you fear any fitting or comfort issues, we are proud to offer a "speak to the designer" service! By contacting us online with your queries we can direct you to the best style and fit for your person.

If you are still worried we are joining a luxury pop-up shop over Christmas and new year in Bath, for which you can come and try on the shoes in the comfort of our gentleman's lounge!

We encourage you walk-in's but should you wish for a more bespoke service please contact the designer Danielle directly via our contact us form and she will organise an appointment for you.

Just subscribe online to find out where we will be next!

Do these findings on men’s shopping habits sound like you or someone that you know? Here at Percy Stride, we’re devoted to creating a first-class experience based on our customer’s preferences. So, if you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service to you, please get in touch.

Try our blog : Why buy British? if you are still concerned about buying online and why you should start.



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