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6 Style Tips for Young Men

Daryl Charman

Updated: Jul 14, 2021

Essential style tips on how to dress sharp as a young gentleman.

Men’s style is a way of life. The earlier you understand this and work out what works for you, the easier you’ll find it to choose the right attire every day.

As an under 25, there’s a lot of pressure on your shoulders. From juggling the transition into adulthood and making the right career choices to the ups and downs of relationships. However, one of the hardest battles is trying to establish a style that is right for you.

Your image is constantly under the microscope, putting you just one wardrobe malfunction away from social torment. Like it or loathe it, your style is super important.

While we can’t do anything about the judgmental behaviours of others, we can help you look and feel the part. So, without further ado, here are some of the best style tips for young men.

Style tips for men under 25

Style tip #1 – get the right fit

Oversized clothes are probably one of the biggest errors you can make in your younger years. Yes, wearing oversized shirts while you binge Ozark on Netflix is absolutely fine. But not when you go out in public.

If something doesn’t fit, don’t buy it. The best way to get the right size and fit is to use our body shape guide.

Once you get to grips with your shape, go straight to a trusted tailor and buy a well-fitted suit. If you can’t afford a tailored one, buy one off the rack and make sure you have it adjusted.

Getting this right will take your style from a 7 to a 10.

Style tip #2 – choose quality over quantity

Investment pieces are the key to defining a fantastic wardrobe. Forget seasonal fast fashion items and wacky patterns, invest in versatile clothing which works for both smart and casual occasions.

Going down the quality route will also save you money in the long run as well. You won’t have clothes collecting dust and losing their quality quickly.

Think Oxford shirts, simple ties, navy overcoats and stretch black jeans. They won’t go out of style and are neutral enough to go with most outfits. For tips on how to find the best investment fashion items, take a look at our guide here.

Style tip #3 – ditch hoodies

Unless you’re the owner of a multi-million-dollar tech company or heading to the gym, give hoodies a rest.

They’re tasteless and too casual. If you’re a bit chilly, go for a well-fitted casual button-down or long-sleeved sweater. Or on those ‘in between days’, opt for a polo shirt.

Style tip #4 – forget about ripped, worn-out clothing

Distressed jeans, ripped jeans and faded shaded clothing might have been great in your teenage years. However, a smart and fashionable young gentleman will upgrade their leg wear to well-fitted jeans, chinos and trousers.

Remember, you’re not a moody teen anymore. You’re a smart, intelligent gentleman.

Style tip #5 – get off on the right foot

The footwear you choose says a lot about who you are. While trainers are essential for lounging about and doing sport, you should stick to timeless footwear for everything else.

No, this doesn’t mean you should dig out the old Cornish pasty shoes from your school days! Instead, you should invest in a pair of high-quality dress shoes, such as Oxfords, loafers (for summer wear) or Derby shoes.

A pair of handcrafted leather shoes will be one of the best investments you’ll make, as they can last a lifetime with the right level of care.

These shoes will earn you instant respect and stop people from using your age as a scapegoat at work.

Style tip #6 – own it

Above all, have self-confidence. Most men’s fashion is based on your attitude. If you don’t believe you look like the bee’s knees, you’ll invite criticism.

Harry Styles struts around looking like he’s a catalogue model from the 60s and 70s. But credit where credit is due, he owns it.

When you’re in sync with your sense of purpose, it creates a positive aura and people start to believe in the clothes you wear. The key to building self-confidence is to take notes from an older well-dress gentleman. Analyse how they approach people and present themselves.

Eye contact and a firm handshake are an integral part of establishing yourself as a confident young gentleman. Be engaged in what people have to say, look into their eyes and keep your mobile phone firmly tucked away in your pocket.

By doing this, you’ll start to feel more connected with the world, and in return, the world will start to connect with what you’re wearing. It’s powerful stuff.

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