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How to Make Your Feet Look Smaller

Daryl Charman

Updated: Jul 14, 2021

Don’t let your big feet cramp your style. Simply follow these steps on how to make your feet look smaller and dress with confidence.

British feet are getting bigger and wider. Today, the average male wears a UK size 10 compared with a size 8 just 40 years ago.

According to Lorraine Jones, from the College of Podiatry, “Feet are getting bigger because as a nation we are becoming taller and we’re increasing in weight.”

This is not only affecting our health, but it’s influencing our fashion choices too. Nowadays, people regularly complain about how big their feet are and try to find ways to make them appear smaller.

Men’s fashion in 2020 is obsessed with skinny jeans and tight-fitting trousers. Sure, a nice tailored look is all well and good, but it can leave those with big feet feeling exposed.

The bad news is that there’s no magic wand to downsize your big kippers. However, there are some simple tricks to make them appear smaller.

How to make my feet look smaller?

Trick #1 – tassels and straps

As a man, the first way to make your feet look smaller is to look at shoes with tassels and straps. These types of accents on footwear help draw the attention away from the length of your feet and break up the journey from your leg to your toe.

Some good examples include tassel loafers when you wear shorts or our Black Leather Double-Buckle Monk Shoes with jeans.

Trick #2 – opt for dark coloured shoes

Shoes in darker colours can make your big feet appear smaller than lighter shades. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to always go for black. For a different look, go for darker greens, greys, and deeper shades of red and blue.

Trick #3 – avoid pointy toes

Pointy-toed shoes can make the tiniest feet appear long. They’re also close-fitting, making your foot look thinner and often causing foot health problems.

In theory, these types of shoes are made for people with wider feet. However, your comfort and foot health should always be prioritised.

Stick to wide-fitting classic Oxfords with rounded toes. This is a more natural shape for your foot and is better for the bones in your feet. Shoes with rounded toes often fit closer to your feet as well, making them look slimmer.

Trick #4 – thinner walls

Some footwear contains padded walls to protect your feet from blisters and to add extra comfort. The problem is the thick shoe lining is adding length and width to your feet.

A well-constructed shoe doesn’t need this. Our Oxfords are made using top-quality leather, helping them maintain their shape, add comfort and minimise unnecessary extra material.

Trick #5 – wear small heels

This next trick to make your big feet look smaller doesn’t just apply to women. Most Oxfords, brogues, and Derby shoes all have a small heel on them and can help break up the long, straight line of your foot that a flat shoe would usually emphasise.

Trick #6 – wear the right jeans and trousers

When it comes to finding ways to make your feet look smaller, it’s not just about the shoes you wear. Choosing the perfect style of jeans is essential.

You should avoid wearing skinny fit and tapered jeans, as they won’t cover your feet and will make them look bigger!

Depending on your body shape, slim fit or regular fit jeans are the smartest options. They both give you a stylish look without pinning themselves to your ankles and exposing more leather than required on your shoes.

The length of your trousers and jeans is another factor to think about. You need a pair that covers your ankle and slightly drapes over your laces. This doesn’t mean you should dust off your old bootleg numbers. It’s just a case of keeping your ankles hidden and your shoes slightly covered to create an illusion of a smaller foot.

Good luck!

If you enjoyed reading this blog on how to make big feet look smaller, check out our other posts. We have loads of handy men’s fashion guides and foot health tips for you to get stuck into.

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